When I see things like this...
How to start a cookbook club from Tea and Cookies, it makes me long to live in Portland. My friends and family near Portland appreciate food. Appreciate eating and making food, and enjoying these things with friends and family. That's why we started this frickin' blog. I told, Monico, that I thought it'd be awesome to start a cookbook club, as suggested in the blog. They all cook from the same cookbook, each selecting different recipes, and get together about every two months. Basically, me want cookbook club!
What he said to this, matter-of-factly, was that no one here (in SF) would want to do that with me. He's probably right, whether it be the small kitchens, or busy lives, or simply the excuse that people don't know how to cook; it just may be difficult to get people interested, but damn it, I'm going to give it a try. Even if it only happens once, I'd be satisfied. I always say, you don't need to know how to cook, as long you've got a good recipe to follow!
You need to move back to Oregon, or maybe Seattle.