Wednesday, October 14, 2009

soda and disasters

I've been sick, it's been cold, so the obvious choice is chicken soup! I put chicken, carrots, celery, pasilla pepers, onions, garlic, and rice. I made two tiny mistakes.

1st mistake: I always put too much rice. The rice expands so much my soup ends up being more of a porridge and less of a soup.

The 2nd mistake was when I accidentally grabbed the cloves instead of the black pepper (they are both in square tins). Needless to say, cloves are perhaps the one spice that doesn't go well in chicken soup. It was edible and now that I've watered it down it's not as noticable, but peter has to keep tellling me next time I should try nutmeg. He's a modern day Billy Crystal that one.

Well that highlight of the meal ended up being the glass bottle of coke peter bought to see if it tasted better than canned coke. And indeed it did! It was crisper, less sickenly sweet, and came in a cool bottle!! what a day it was. Stay tuned to see if glass bottled pepsi is better than canned pepsi... riveting...


  1. what about natural sugar coke? People love that one too. I can't even tell the difference between code and pepsi.

  2. The bottled one I think does have a different sugar.
